My still life paintings incorporate both recorded observation and invention. The arrangements consist of objects that carry personal meaning: ceramic pieces made by my great-grandmother, trinkets that belonged to my grandmother, and books of women artists I feel a connection with. I often add a self-portrait in the work, placing myself within the same space as the women I reference. My work also addresses themes of motherhood and pregnancy loss, exploring lineage (both biological and artistic), the experience of motherhood, the connection between women, and the objects we keep to remember the women who came before us. While I do think of the work as possessing a narrative, I also see it as an attempt to chronicle what is lost—a mapping process, a charting of both spatial proximity and what can never truly be known.
22X28", acrylic on canvas
22X28", acrylic on canvas
24X36", acrylic on canvas
30X48" acrylic and oil stick on canvas
20X24 acrylic on canvas
24X48", acrylic on canvas
18X24 acrylic on canvas
12X16, acrylic on 2” cradled panel
12X16 acrylic on paper
12X16” acrylic on paper
12X16 acrylic on paper
20X24 acrylic on canvas
20X24 acrylic on canvas
24X24, acrylic on canvas
24X24 acrylic on canvas
24X30, acrylic on canvas
24X30, acrylic on canvas
8X10” acrylic on 2” cradled panel
8X10” acrylic on 2” cradled panel
8X10” acrylic on 2” cradled panel
acrylic on 2” cradled panel, 12X16, 2021